At Wize Mortgage, we believe that your Home is more than just a place to live. It's where you raise your family and make memories that last a lifetime. Your home is a path to building wealth for your future. We understand that everyone's situation is unique, that's why we're committed to matching you with a customized loan program specific to your needs.

Wize Mortgage was founded with the determination in making the mortgage process a more personalized experience. Large lenders have adopted an assembly line approach where many "hands" touch your loan file in order to move the loan through the process. At Wize Mortgage, you will have a direct contact from the moment of your pre-approval all the way through closing. We even continue to monitor the market after your loan closes and will advise if or when there is a refinance opportunity available. 

We want to build relationships and we know that starts with trust. We treat everyone's loan as if they were family and we look forward to the opportunity to work together.

Thank you for your consideration and Be Wize!

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